First Church Adults
At First Church, we believe God calls us to action (James 2:14-17). To connect people with Jesus Christ, we believe everyone must glorify God obediently, grow together spiritually, and go be the church faithfully. We provide everyone from our youngest child to our oldest adult opportunities to glorify, grow, and go. Adults at First Church have a huge responsibility; not only do they lead the church of today, they raise the church of tomorrow. This is why so many avenues exist for our adults to pursue the mission of First Church.

First UMC Adult Sunday School Classes 10:00-10:45 (various buildings on campus)
Chapel: Wesley Center first floor Susanna Room, various teachers
This adult class consists of couples and singles over 55. Class members take turns teaching a Bible study based curriculum. Monthly suppers out are offered as well.
Open Door: Wesley Center second floor room 207
Open Door Sunday School Class meets in a Wesley Center 2nd floor classroom. We are Open Door because some of our classmates cannot make SS every week and we use our name to communicate everyone is welcome, any Sunday. We read and discuss a book from the Bible, one chapter each week. Join us anytime!
SAGE: Wesley Center second floor room, 206
This women’s class, primarily 65 and older. The class chooses books related to the Bible from various authors. New members and visitors are welcome.
Covenant Class: Averill House first floor
This class of singles and couples mainly with youth and young adult children picks studies of interest that include discussion with the purpose of applying faith to everyday life.
Class Acts: Averill House second floor
The “Class Acts” is a laid-back group mostly consisting of adults ages 30-50, married couples and singles, mostly with children. We are welcoming to all. We meet in the upstairs classroom of the Averill House, and we never get started before 10 a.m. (so don’t leave if you’re early, we are probably still making our way up). We study various topics of our own choosing.
Friendship Class: Todd House Dining room
The Friendship Class meets in the Todd House dining area. We are a group of senior adults who love to study the word of God in various ways. Currently class member, Rev. Richard Smith, is teaching.
Broderson Men’s Class: Todd House second floor
The Broderson Men’s class is a study and discussion class using Christian principles to study various theological ideas and social issues. Class Members volunteer to serve as facilitators as we move through our study.

Glorify Through
Two distinctive worship services are offered each Sunday at Good News at Nine (Asbury Hall) and 11:00 (sanctuary). Volunteers support each service each week through a time as prayer warriors during the services. A Wednesday Holy Communion opportunity is offered at noon in the Kavanaugh Chapel.

Grow Through
Sunday school classes are a weekly way for people to connect to each other and Jesus as they grow and learn together. These classes meet from 10:00 to 10:40.
Weekly bible studies are offered throughout the year. Rev. Tonya Jennings Kenner offers a women’s study on Thursdays from 10 to 11:30.Watch for information on other Bible studies.
Living Longer and Loving It (Triple L) is our monthly lunch and program for our older adults. Beginning at 11:30 on the third Thursdays, programs of interest follow the meal. Anna’s Friends, a fellowship group for widows meet for lunch on the third Saturdays of the month.
Other options for growing and learning together are created as ideas and leaders come forward.

Go Through
First Needles is a mission minded group who crochet and knit items to donate such as prayer shawls, gloves/hats/scarves, caps for premature babies, etc. Bible studies and book studies are also offered that relate to the church year (Lent) or a current theme or interest.
United Methodist Women, now known as United Women in Faith and United Methodist Men offer opportunities for learning and growing together as well as outreach to the community and world. Women’s circles are offered monthly with general events offered throughout the year while United Methodist Men meet on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 for a supper program.
Along with United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men, many other opportunities are offered for our church to reach out into the world. Volunteers represent our church in an annual Honduras Medical Mission, serving at the ACCESS Soup Kitchen, volunteering at the Franklin County Food Pantry, visiting the local jail, helping children at the Kings Center, responding to Volunteers In Mission opportunities, Cinderella’s Closet, Ruth Spurrier Memorial Shopping Event, and the list goes on.