First Church Children
We have an active children’s ministry with our main focus of showing God’s love and encouraging them to have a relationship with that God of love.
Children’s Sunday School Classes 10:00-10:45 (Wesley Center, first floor)
First Care: Nursery (up to 3 years): Room 115, April Douglas, Brandie Weaver
First Friends/First Followers/FISH (First In Serving Him): Preschool-5th Grade: Room 120, Holly Brunson, Dorothy Hanson, Elly Gilbert, Audrey Gilbert, April Trent, Mary Pat Dobbins
Weekly emails regarding church activities and other information of interest are sent to parents. If you would like to receive the emails, send your request to tonya.kenner@fumcfrankfort.org

Glorify Through
Worship – Children are welcome in all our worship services. Child care is available for our infants to preschoolers from 9:00 to noon every Sunday. A children’s message is part of the Good News at Nine and the 11:00 service. Worship bags with quiet activities and coloring sheets related to the morning’s theme are available in all services. Our Good News at 9 Service has a PrayGround with quiet activities for children to engage in as they worship, too. In the 11:00 service, Little Church is offered to our children in preschool and elementary grades with a time of learning about worship and the day’s theme. Nursery staff and Little Church leaders are background checked and trained according to our Safe Sanctuaries policies.
Children are included as part of the family of God in our Holy Communion services. Third, fourth and fifth graders can volunteer to be acolytes for the 11:00 service. Children are also able to use their gifts and talents as greeters, ushers, worship leaders and musicians.

Grow Through
Sunday School– Sunday School classes are offered for all ages. Current groupings are nursery and a class for preschool through 5th grades. These classes meet in the Wesley Center on the first floor with Safe Sanctuaries trained and background checked teachers who love sharing God’s love through bible stories and activities that encourage children to have an active faith.
Kids Night Out are offered at least quarterly as a way for children to enjoy recreation, supper, crafts and activities and parents enjoy a night out too. Donations are accepted for our children’s ministries.
Vacation Bible School is another way our children connect to Jesus and each other as a summer experience with bible story, crafts, recreation, science experiments and snacks for ages three to fifth grade. An annual Easter Egg hunt, Church wide Christmas Caroling, Advent and Lenten activities and other events throughout the year are offered to bring our children closer to God and each other.
Our church offers half the cost for any child or youth to attend our Kentucky United Methodist church camps. These camps are open to Grandparents/Grandchildren, as well as early elementary to high school age. Brochures are available in the church office with lots of variety offered. “Camp Is Sweet” Bake Sale in May supports this cause.

Go Through
Outreach – Our children’s ministry also likes to take the church outside the building. Our fourth and fifth graders do this through First in Serving Him (FISH). FISH is a monthly mission project that reaches the church, community and world. Projects include “No More Malaria,” LIFE House for Animals, Valentine shut in outreach, Operation Christmas Child, etc. Other mission and outreach opportunities are offered for church families throughout the year