First Spark is the youth group of First United Methodist Church in Frankfort, Ky. Middle school and high school students are invited to engage in a variety of weekly activities and special programming throughout the year. We often meet in the Lighthouse, located to the left of the church, at 213 Washington Street.

Middle School Sunday School (10-10:45 am)
Teachers, Adam and Leeann Scott
downstairs in the Lighthouse.
High School Sunday School (10-10:45 am)
Teacher, Melissa Hardison
upstairs in the Lighthouse
Youth Group (5-7:00 pm)
All youth are invited to attend these weekly assemblies to join in fun activities, to plan for field trips and mission work, and to participate in the programming of the church.
Leaders, Greg and Melissa Hardison, and other special guests meet in the Lighthouse, but may move into other buildings on our campus.

Youth are invited to worship with our whole congregation on Sunday mornings at the traditional services in our Main Sanctuary or the contemporary services in Asbury Hall. In addition to worshiping along with the congregation, our youth are involved in a number of different ministries that provide creative outlets for them to glorify God such as: Youth Praise Team, News Crew, Dance Team, Visual Arts Ministry, and Sports Ministry.

Providing spiritual guidance and instruction well after childhood is a vital part of helping our youth transition into adulthood as they transform into leaders of our congregation. This is why we provide youth at First Church with multiple opportunities to grow. Sunday School classes meet in the Light House from 9:55am to 10:45am to learn, fellowship and grow together. In addition to Sunday School, our First Spark Youth Group also meets Sunday nights in the Light House from 5pm-7pm where they are encouraged by leaders Greg and Melissa Hardison to connect to God, our church, the world, and each other.

Our youth ministry is a huge part of First Church, but we also like to take the church outside the building. The First Spark Youth Group is involved in several mission projects that reach not just our church, but also our community and world. Projects include Franklin County Food Pantry, Ruth Spurrier Memorial Shopping Event, Halloween drive-thru, Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, Camp Aldersgate work days, Lifeline Christian Ministry, Brittney’s Blankets and more. In addition to serving through these avenues, our youth also go on retreats/mission trips (Lake Junaluska, Camp Aldersgate, and Winter Jam, etc.).
Communication Methods and Social Media
We communicate the actions and intentions of First Spark through a variety of print, digital, and social media sources.
Calendar Updates
Plan in advance with our online youth calendar.